
Purpose of Ohio State Former Boxers &logonew-1
Associates, Inc.:

To cultivate a basis of unity, solidarity and friendship among members, which may consist of boxers, former boxers, those interested in boxing, businessmen, and civic leaders.
To develop programs to increase community awareness, combat discrimination and racial tension, and provide other social services and counseling.
To promote various events to enhance amateur and professional boxing.
To contribute assistance and financial aid to members who are hospitalized, or are in long-term nursing home confinement. This will include a death benefit as well.
To discharge all financial obligations to members, and to pay all organization indebtedness before making charitable contributions to outside sources.
To give financial assistance to other worthy NON-PROFIT groups or organizations.
To sponsor and promote fund-raising activities in furtherance of charitable and/or educational purposes which may be permitted under the laws of the State of Ohio and under     Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. No part of the funds, income or net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of any member, trustee or office of the corporation, or any other private individual, or shall be devoted to any purposes other than those specified in Article III.